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Actun Tunichil Muknal (ATM)


Welcome to the gateway of the Mayan Underworld. The Mayan underworld was one of the three main layers which they refer to as Xibalba. ATM as it is commonly known is located at the Tapir National Reserve. The route to this sacred place, starts off with a short swim across the Roaring River followed by a 40 minute hike leading you to the main entrance of the cave. While in the cave you get to enjoy amazing geological formations such as sparkling stalactites, stalagmites and flow stones. The hidden chambers reveals ancient Mayan artifacts, human skeletons and geological processes that have helped to shape the Mayan underworld. Here, the Mayas made offerings which include food, blood and human sacrifices. These offerings were to please the gods, since gods could be good or bad to them. Xibalba was the fearful world beneath the face of the earth. The parallel unseen other world where kings and shamans could enter to communicate with gods.





Entrance fee




Tour guide

Equipment & transportation.



Things to Bring:
Wear comfortable clothes to be wet( short pants & T-shirts)
Complete change of clothes
Close toe footwear
Pair socks
Mosquito repellant

per person

+12.5% General Sales Tax

8:00am to 4:30pm

Burns Avenue, San Ignacio town (We offer free hotel pick up within San Ignacio Town)

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